Did you know that we receive more donations for newborn and size 1 or 2 diapers than any other sizes? That actually makes sense since lots of new parents stock up on these smaller sizes before baby comes, and then find themselves with extras when their little one outgrows those sizes.

But that does mean that we frequently find ourselves unable to meet the need that many families have for slightly bigger diapers. Here’s what we need most:

  • Size 4
  • Size 5
  • Size 6
  • Pull-ups

Families typically need these larger sized diapers by the time their baby is 6 or 7 months old. But that’s also the time that lots of parents have figured out how many diapers they need, so they don’t tend to have quite as many “left-overs” laying around.

That’s where you come in! Do you have any unused packages of diapers (especially bigger sizes)? Or are you able to pick up an extra pack at the store? You can drop off your opened and new packages at any of our diaper donation sites, or you can email [email protected] to schedule a time to drop them off or have us pick them up.

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